Indy, San Jose, & Seattle Recovery
Core text of SAA. Applies the 12 steps to sex addiction and recovery. Includes addicts' stories.
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Comprehensive look at sponsorship, a role recovering people benefit from both as sponsees and ultimately as sponsors.
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Joe McQ provides great insight into the 12 steps and recovery.
by Patrick Carnes. The 1st book ever published re: sex addiction.
"Alcoholics Anonymous" from 1939 lays out the core concepts of the 12 steps.
A rich, wise book on being human, imperfection, growth, and grace. A great read.
Powerful book on the value of understanding, defining, and respecting your own and others' boundaries.
A classic from 1952 that clarifies and adds color to the 12 steps and 12 traditions
Very helpful. After reading this, I realized I was as much or more a co-dependent as an addict.
Full title: "Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams" says it all.
Valuable resource for Steps 6 & 7. Resentment. Fear. Self-Pity. Intolerance. Anger. The "rocks" that can sink recovery.
Eckhart Tolle took me on an inspiring spiritual journey to find my true and deepest self.
by Patrick Carnes. IMO, better than Out of the Shadows. Based on many surveys of sex addicts w/ significant sobriety.